[tex-live] Format of README file for a package
Josef Kleber
josef.kleber at gmx.de
Sat Oct 4 13:01:56 CEST 2014
Am 02.10.2014 um 20:52 schrieb jfbu:
> I could not do that with README (afaik)
> as TeX's \input adds .tex extension to filenames without extension.
That's true. But you can use a makefile for renaming, dedtxing and
producing the documentation. And there can be other targets like git and
ctan, e.g.: http://mirrors.ctan.org/macros/latex/contrib/getmap/makefile
> Thus README.md is the natural thing for me to work with, but it is no
> big deal to rename it to README before packaging my submission. And
> anyhow it is mandatory for CTAN displaying it.
> Your message makes me think that rather than including the README.md
> verbatim, as a section in the package PDF documentation, I could as well
> choose to provide a separate README.pdf.
> Indeed I already had experimented with producing README.pdf using Pandoc
> from README.md and it's fine.
Could also be a make target. You write it once and it's a no-brainer for
the rest of your life! ;-)
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