[tex-live] TeXLive (Windows) bash script -> exe

Josef Kleber josef.kleber at gmx.de
Wed May 21 13:00:32 CEST 2014

Am 21.05.2014 07:23, schrieb Heiko Oberdiek:
> Hello,
> On 21.05.2014 04:34, Norbert Preining wrote:
>> I have taken Reinhard's advice and included them into the script,
>> here is an updated version.
>> I cannot guarantee that it works on Windows, I have no easy access,
>> but on Unix it works ;-)
>>From osmimage.lua:
>> -- local file = ltn12.sink.file(io.open(UOFILE, 'wb'))
>> -- http.request {
>>      -- url = IMGURL,
>>      -- sink = file,
>> -- }
>> -- gives <html><body><b>Http/1.1 Bad Request</b></body> </html> instead of image
>> -- URL encoding for LOCATION??? but works for wget
> I have added a function url_encode, found in
>    http://lua-users.org/wiki/StringRecipes
> and wrapped the user data in url_encode.
> Then http.request worked for me, see attached script.
> This solves the problem of the dependency on wget
> (see Windows/MiKTeX).

Cool! Yesterday, I tested with an url.encode() from 'local url = 
require("socket.url")', but this didn't work. Strange.


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