[tex-live] About jfontmaps

五十嵐脩 pusukeg at gmail.com
Fri Feb 14 13:35:49 CET 2014

Dear Sir/Madam,

This is about jfontmaps package. So, could you forward this to Norbert
Preining, the maintainer of this package?


I'm a Japanese and working on Mac OSX Mavericks with MacTeX 2013.
I have some things to suggest you about the naming of font for map files.

The naming for "yu-osx" (e.g., YuMincho-Medium.otf or YuGothic-Bold.otf)
works fine when we use dvipdfmx,
but does not when we use dvips + ps(postscript)- or -pdf-related
applications or commands (e.g., Acrobat Distiller or ghostscript).

This is because these applications and command appear to solve the name of
the font through its ps name.
Of course, I know that some additional settings are needed to let
ghostscript handle Japanese fonts
and that preview.app can't still handle Japanese fonts or even some English
fonts due to its bug.

If you are working on OSX (and on Japanese), you can get the information on
a given font by running:
$ mdls /PATH/TO/FONT.

More specifically, you can get its ps name by running:
$ mdls -name com_apple_ats_name_postscript /PATH/TO/FONT.

For example, ps names of YuMincho-Medium.otf and YuGothic-Bold.otf are
YuMin-Medium and YuGo-Bold, respectively.
So, I would like you to use these names appended with ".otf" for map files
under yu-osx directory.

Doing so should be important in the sense of unifying of the way of naming.

In this sense, I would like you to remove the prefix, "A-OTF-", from the
names of maorisawa fonts, as well.

BTW, A-OTF-Jun101Pr6N-Light.otf is assigned in the map files under
morisawa-pr6n directory.
But, as far as I know, Pr5, Pr6, or Pr6N is not prepared for this font.
We may need to another one, for example, ShinMgo.


Osamu Igarashi
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