[tex-live] Installation bug report - win7
Lars Madsen
daleif at math.au.dk
Thu Dec 11 17:14:11 CET 2014
I have the dump of the reg DB, is the permissions listed in it?
We have a working TL14 (adjusted manually), just trying to help debug this in case it happens to someone else.
May I suggest that the Win32 installer tests for some of these things before it start the package retrieval? Simple users have no idea what to do when an error like this comes after 30 min package installation.
They will often try to redo the installation (often deleting what ever was already installed)
/Lars Madsen
Institut for Matematik / Department of Mathematics
Aarhus Universitet / Aarhus University
Mere info: http://au.dk/daleif@imf / More information: http://au.dk/en/daleif@imf
From: tex-live [tex-live-bounces at tug.org] on behalf of Siep Kroonenberg [siepo at cybercomm.nl]
Sent: 11 December 2014 16:59
To: tex-live at tug.org
Subject: Re: [tex-live] Installation bug report - win7
On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 10:33:01AM +0000, Lars Madsen wrote:
> Now I should have a complete dump of the registry (as Reinhard suggested)
> (plus converted to utf8, halfing the size ;-)
> I can find loads and loads of lines wih 'software/microsoft/windows/currentversion'
As I wrote before, you should also look at the permissions on the
registry key, since the script tries to open
HKCU/software/microsoft/windows/currentversion with full permissions.
Of course, the student can try a portable installation to sidestep
registry problems.
Siep Kroonenberg
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