[tex-live] Installation bug report - win7
Lars Madsen
daleif at math.au.dk
Tue Dec 9 15:58:54 CET 2014
Five(!) times in a row we got the following error from the TL installer on win7 (using install-tl-advanced.bat)
Time used for installing the packages: 33:50
Tk::Error: Can't call method "CreateKey" on an undefined value at C:/Users/Lone/
Downloads/install-tl-20141209/tlpkg/TeXLive/TLWinGoo.pm line 1215.
TeXLive::TLWinGoo::create_uninstaller at C:/Users/Lone/Downloads/install-tl-201
41209/tlpkg/TeXLive/TLWinGoo.pm line 1215
main::do_postinst_stuff at C:\Users\Lone\Downloads\install-tl-20141209\install-
tl line 893
main::do_installation at C:\Users\Lone\Downloads\install-tl-20141209\install-tl
line 779
main::installation_window at C:/Users/Lone/Downloads/install-tl-20141209/tlpkg/
installer/install-menu-perltk.pl line 617
main::__ANON__ at C:/Users/Lone/Downloads/install-tl-20141209/tlpkg/installer/i
nstall-menu-perltk.pl line 524
Tk callback for .frame.pane.frame.frame.frame1.frame.button1
Tk::__ANON__ at C:\Users\Lone\Downloads\install-tl-20141209\tlpkg\tlperl\lib/Tk
.pm line 251
Tk::Button::butUp at C:\Users\Lone\Downloads\install-tl-20141209\tlpkg\tlperl\l
ib/Tk/Button.pm line 175
(command bound to event)
Any idea what is up with it?
We don't know whether it is a genuine problem with the users computer, or with the installer. The message is the same even after cleaning adware from the computer and installing with or without Avast anti virus.
In the end I managed to get it to work via tlmgr from the commandline, though the user now has no start menu integration.
Let me know if you need more information.
/Lars Madsen
Institut for Matematik / Department of Mathematics
Aarhus Universitet / Aarhus University
Mere info: http://au.dk/daleif@imf / More information: http://au.dk/en/daleif@imf
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