[tex-live] exam + babel => latex hangs
Lars Madsen
daleif at imf.au.dk
Fri Sep 27 20:55:46 CEST 2013
Start by verifying that the package versions match. For example by using a different language to babel to make it compile. Or try with out babel first to check the versions
Sent from my Android phone using TouchDown (www.nitrodesk.com)
-----Original Message-----
From: Lucas Nussbaum [lucas at debian.org]
Received: fredag, 27 sep. 2013, 20:20
To: Lars Madsen [daleif at imf.au.dk]
CC: tex-live at tug.org [tex-live at tug.org]; psh at math.mit.edu [psh at math.mit.edu]
Subject: Re: [tex-live] exam + babel => latex hangs
On 27/09/13 at 15:58 +0000, Lars Madsen wrote:
> I have no problem with this example, using the following versions
> exam.cls 2011/05/22 Version 2.4 by Philip Hirschhorn
> ifthen.sty 2001/05/26 v1.1c Standard LaTeX ifthen package (DPC)
> article.cls 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX document class
> size10.clo 2007/10/19 v1.4h Standard LaTeX file (size option)
> fontenc.sty
> t1enc.def 2005/09/27 v1.99g Standard LaTeX file
> babel.sty 2013/05/16 v3.9f The Babel package
> frenchb.ldf 2013/07/06 v2.6e French support from the babel system
> scalefnt.sty
> keyval.sty 1999/03/16 v1.13 key=value parser (DPC)
> \listfiles
> \documentclass{exam}
> \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
> \usepackage[french]{babel}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{questions}
> \question[2] Test
> \end{questions}
> \end{document}
Erm, actually, I tried to reproduce my problem in a clean Debian 'sid' chroot,
and failed. So it might be caused by something else.
Any idea how to debug further? Is there a step-by-step execution mode in
pdflatex, for example?
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