[tex-live] Help with TeXLive
Philip Taylor
P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Thu Sep 26 23:34:19 CEST 2013
Dear Lee --
> I am an experienced copyeditor of LaTeX documents. I use BoKoMa to do
> the editing.
> Unfortunately, many of the documents provided to me for editing (by the
> Oxford University Press) have errors, which causes BaKoMa to fail, or at
> least fail to produce reference lists. BoKoMa is not useful for
> correcting these errors.
> To get around this, a consultant of mine suggested that I install
> TeXLive-2013 in my Windows desktop computer, which I did (the
> installation took a very long time). But I find the TeXLive installation
> to be very user unfriendly. *How do I RUN the program?*
When you have installed TeX Live, you have not installed one program
but many. The component that will allow you to /edit/ TeX documents
is called TeXworks, which you will find under :
Start / All programs / TeX Live 2013 / TeXworks editor.
When you have launched this, you instruct it, as any other Windows
program, to Open the file you want to edit. Then you make the
necessary changes, set the compiler to be PdfLaTeX (or whichever
TeX variant you need), the click "Typeset".
Philip Taylor
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