[tex-live] [PATCH] mk4ht does not quote filename in system call
Scott Kostyshak
skostysh at princeton.edu
Fri Sep 13 06:01:08 CEST 2013
To see the problem, on unix run the following:
mk4ht oolatex "newfile1_(copy).tex"
You will see that the filename is not quoted:
htlatex newfile1_(copy).tex "xhtml,ooffice" "ooffice/! -cmozhtf"
"-cooxtpipes -coo"
sh: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
--- error --- failed to execute command
Further, note that the exit code is 0.
The attached patch (against latest tex4ht trunk) fixes this in mk4ht
but there is still a problem in t4ht.c (which I think comes from
moving unquoted filenames during cleanup).
-------------- next part --------------
Index: bin/unix/mk4ht
--- bin/unix/mk4ht (revision 109)
+++ bin/unix/mk4ht (working copy)
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
close KPSEA;
-my $commando = $cmd . " " . $command[1] . " \"".
+my $commando = $cmd . " \"" . $command[1] . "\" \"".
$command[2] . "\" \"". $command[3] . "\" \"" .
$command[4] . "\"";
print "$commando\n";
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