[tex-live] XeLateX / Greek problem
Johann Spies
johann.spies at gmail.com
Mon Jul 29 16:11:14 CEST 2013
On 29 July 2013 15:53, Zdenek Wagner <zdenek.wagner at gmail.com> wrote:
> Why do you use inputenc and fontenc packages in XeLaTeX? XeLaTeX
> should get input in UTF8 and work internally in unicode, not in T1.
> 2013/7/29 Johann Spies <johann.spies at gmail.com>:
> > When I use this the document compiles with "xelatex somedocument.tex":
> >
> > \usepackage[%greek,
> > german, dutch,english,afrikaans]{babel
> > }
> > \usepackage{fontspec} % Gebruik met xelatex
> > \usepackage{xltxtra,graphicx} % Gebruik met xelatex
> > \setmainfont{Nimbus Sans L}
> > %\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
> > %\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
As I have shown in the above configuration fontenc and inputenc was
commented out.
So the answer is that I do not use those packages with xelatex.
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my lips will praise you. (Psalm 63:3)
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