[tex-live] tex live 2013 released

Dr. Werner Fink werner at suse.de
Mon Jul 1 11:03:44 CEST 2013

On Wed, Jun 19, 2013 at 11:07:30PM +0000, Karl Berry wrote:
> As some people have already noticed, I made the TeX Live 2013 release
> public yesterday.  I delayed this announcement to give it a start at
> making its way around CTAN -- please do get the release from a CTAN
> mirror.  More on getting TeX Live: http://tug.org/texlive/acquire.html.
> For links to the list of changes in this release (and a lot more),
> see the TeX Live home page:
> http://tug.org/texlive/
> One post-release round of rebuilds is already underway for the sake of
> (primarily) late-breaking mpost and pdftex bug fixes.  The new binaries
> will be available in due course through tlmgr or directly from svn as
> usual.  It is not at all imperative to get them (or I would have delayed
> the release); the idea was just to make them easily available if you run
> into the bugs.  More about this at http://tug.org/texlive/bugs.html.
> I do not plan to update the *.iso (or *.tar equivalents) file(s) for
> 2013; the DVD is being manufactured now and will be sent to user group
> members in due course.  (It can also be ordered from
> http://tug.org/store.)
> Updates from CTAN will start being available through tlmgr again after a
> few more days.

A few problems:

   The collection-documentation-* packages are not found at
   ftp://ftp.ctan.org/pub/tex/systems/texlive/tlnet/archive nore at

as my meta packageing scripts depend on texlive.tlpdb.xz and those packages are
missed the rpm spec file for the scheme and collection packages is inconsistent.

Out build tool shows some gcc warnings:

 I: A function overflows or underflows an array access. This could be a real error,
    but occasionaly this condition is also misdetected due to loop unrolling or strange pointer
    handling. So this is warning only, please review.
 W: texlive arraysubscript ../../../texk/web2c/xetexdir/XeTeXOTMath.cpp:450

which is in getMathKernAt()

                        else if (height > SWAP(kernTable->height[count].value))
                                rval = SWAP(kernTable->kern[count+1].value);


 I: There are likely swapped arguments in a memset
    Check that the function arguments match: memset(ptr,BYTEVALUE,LENGTH)
 W: texlive memset-with-zero-length ../../../texk/web2c/luatexdir/luafontloader/fontforge/fontforge/encoding.c:545:11

which is in EncMap *EncMapFromEncoding()

    base = enc->char_cnt;
    if ( enc->is_original )
        base = 0;
    else if ( enc->char_cnt<=256 )
        base = 256;
    else if ( enc->char_cnt<=0x10000 )
        base = 0x10000;
    encoded = galloc(base*sizeof(int));
    unencoded = galloc(sf->glyphcnt*sizeof(int));
    unmax = sf->glyphcnt;


  "Having a smoking section in a restaurant is like having
          a peeing section in a swimming pool." -- Edward Burr

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