[tex-live] [pretest] State on windows

Karl Berry karl at freefriends.org
Fri Apr 12 00:18:48 CEST 2013

    2) Line 22 in tlmgr.bat still points to \texmf\scripts\texlive\tlmgr.pl.
    I corrected this. --> tlmgr works.

Thanks, fixed.

    3) updmap-sys fails. Hence my map dirs in texmf-var are empty. I think I
    saw an error dialog saying that lua52.dll (or so) can't be found.

Should be fixed after tonight's build, barring some other failure.

    BTW: Do you think I have to reinstall again from scratch? Or am I
    lucky because tlmgr works, so I can get the next updates cleanly
    through tlmgr?

I couldn't venture a guess.


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