[tex-live] Package's maintainer question: font installation
Norbert Preining
preining at logic.at
Sat Mar 3 00:13:28 CET 2012
Hi Miguel,
On Fr, 02 Mär 2012, Miguel V. S. Frasson wrote:
> We deveped a package with .sty file and fonts for typeset music sheets,
> called gregorio. It works fine in TeXlive and other distributions, but it
> requires, obviouly, font installation. We like to upload everything to
> CTAN, in such way that users could install everything with tlmg. The fonts
> are in several formats.
> The question: Is it just to upload the files (TDS tree) to CTAN that would
> create a package for tlmg, or we have to do something more to get it
> working (eventually)?
CTAN and tlmgr are in some sense independent. We (= TeX Live team)
pull from CTAN, so you have to upload it to CTAN. But you can upload
in any way you like, as long as it is somehow reasonable.
We will then care for the rest and adjust our routines to install
your package into TeX Live.
Be reminded of two things:
- if you provide a .tds.zip file, then it is useful, *BUT* only if it
is always in sync with the rest of the files. (Sometimes it happened
that only the files were changed and the tds.zip didn't :-(
I don't know how complex your package is, but if it only consists
of some fonts, accompanying files (tfm, vf, pfb, otf, ..), support
TeX files etc, then it is very easy to install them automatically.
- finally, don't forget that the license must be free, otherwise it
will not be included in TL. And if your package also includes
programs (scripts, compiled, ...) it might take longer to be
Best wishes
Norbert Preining preining@{jaist.ac.jp, logic.at, debian.org}
JAIST, Japan TeX Live & Debian Developer
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The background gurgling noise heard in Wimby Bars caused by people
trying to get the last bubbles out of their milkshakes by slurping
loudly through their straws.
--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff
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