[tex-live] Fontconfig for XeTeX versus regular fontconfig
Zdenek Wagner
zdenek.wagner at gmail.com
Thu Oct 27 21:49:15 CEST 2011
2011/10/27 Martin Schröder <martin at oneiros.de>:
> 2011/10/27 auxsvr <auxsvr at gmail.com>:
>> Martin Schröder wrote:
>> Well, then is there any reason to use xetex at all? Would switching to
>> LuaTeX or pdfTeX lead to fewer problems? Are they more actively maintained?
> As of now polyglossia works only with XeLaTeX.
And how about ArabXeTeX? Is it ported to luatex?
> LuaTeX is actively developed while XeTeX is IMHO not really
> maintained.
> http://tex.stackexchange.com/q/36/5763
> Disclaimer: I'm a close friend of the LuaTeX team. :-)
> Best
> Martin
Zdeněk Wagner
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