[tex-live] external program calls
Zdenek Wagner
zdenek.wagner at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 16:07:17 CET 2011
2011/3/10 Michael Niedermair <m.g.n at gmx.de>:
> Hi,
>> I have always used the <exec> task. You can look into its source to
>> find how it is done. Previously I worked on OS/2, now I work on Linux,
>> some OS/2 code in <exec> was supplied by me. I have no programming
>> experience with Windows.
> the <exec>-task use intern the class Execute. In my task I use the same
> class. If I use the <exec> task, I get the same problem with w7.
I do not have w7, so I cannot try...
> A litle sample:
> <ifnewer srcdir="src/d2t"
> destdir="${target.dir}"
> srcextname=".*\.d2t$"
> verbose="true"
> destextname="pdf"
> threadsperprocessor="2"
> >
> <d2t2pdf>
> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> \usepackage{libertine}
> \usepackage{xcolor}
> \usepackage{pst-all,pst-grad}
> \usepackage[a0paper]{geometry}
> \pagestyle{empty}
> \begin{document}%
> </d2t2pdf>
> <pdfcrop />
> <removeother othernames="pdf" />
> </ifnewer>
> The task ifnewer call for each file in the srcdir the inner tasks, if the
> source file is newer as the destination file. The task start for each
> prozessor two threads parallel. The parameters for the inner task are set
> automatically.
> The task d2t2pdf call first the program dot2tex, take the created tex file
> and put the shown tex code around the little file. After this, the task call
> xelatex oder with mode="latex", latex, dvips, ps2pdf.
> The task pdfcrop remove all white margin in the pdf (call pdfcrop).
> The task removeother delete all files in the target directory with the same
> basename and with an other extensions as shown, e.g. basename.tex
> basename.log, basename.aux, basename.dvi, basename.ps, ...
> If I use a filesystem with write cache and a temporary write cache time of
> 30 seconds, the litle files, which delete removeother, are not stored on the
> disk. So I have a fast system which use all cpu cores to create e.g.
> pictures with tex source.
> By
> Michael
Zdeněk Wagner
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