[tex-live] Updating tlmgr on Windows 7
Martin Schröder
martin at oneiros.de
Thu Jan 27 17:30:55 CET 2011
2011/1/27 T T <t34www at googlemail.com>:
> Are you sure it crashes or simply terminates? On windows tlmgr has to
> quit, because it can't be updated while running. What happens is that
> tlmgr makes a special batch update script on windows
> (C:\texlive\2010\temp\updater-w32.bat), which is run after it quits.
> Can you send us this script (if it's there)? (Change extension from
> .bat to .txt or your email client may filter it).
> Norbert, the info "Critical updates have been installed" in the dialog
> is not quite true for windows ;)
And it should be localized. :-)
-------------- next part --------------
:: This file is part of an automated update process of
:: infrastructure files and should not be run standalone.
:: For more details about the update process see comments
:: in tlmgr.pl (subroutine write_w32_updater).
if [%1]==[:doit] goto :doit
if not exist "%~dp0tar.exe" goto :notar
cmd.exe /e:on/v:off/d/c call "%~f0" :doit 1^>^&2
goto :eof
echo %~nx0: cannot run without "%~dp0tar.exe"
findstr "^::" <"%~f0"
exit /b 1
set prompt=TL$G
title TeX Live Manager 2010 Update
set PERL5LIB=C:/texlive/2010/tlpkg/tlperl/lib
>con echo TeX Live infrastructure update in progress ...
>con echo Detailed command logging to STDERR
chdir /d "%~dp0.."
if not errorlevel 1 goto :update
>con echo Could not change working directory to "%~dp0.."
>con echo Aborting infrastructure update, no changes have been made.
>con rem
exit /b 1
for %%I in (texlive.infra.tar texlive.infra.doc.tar) do (
temp\tar.exe -xf temp\%%I
if errorlevel 1 goto :rollback
tlpkg\tlperl\bin\perl.exe .\texmf\scripts\texlive\tlmgr.pl _include_tlpobj tlpkg\tlpobj\texlive.infra.tlpobj tlpkg\tlpobj\texlive.infra.doc.tlpobj
if errorlevel 1 goto :rollback
>>"C:/texlive/2010/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log" echo [%date% %time%] self update: texlive.infra ^(20974 -^> 20975^)
>con echo self update: texlive.infra ^(20974 -^> 20975^)
del "%~dp0*.tar" "%~dp0tar.exe"
>con echo Infrastructure update finished successfully.
>con echo You may now close this window.
>con rem
exit /b 0
>>"C:/texlive/2010/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log" echo [%date% %time%] failed self update: texlive.infra ^(20974 -^> 20975^)
>con echo failed self update: texlive.infra ^(20974 -^> 20975^)
>con echo Rolling back to previous version ...
for %%I in (__BACKUP_texlive.infra.r20974.tar) do (
temp\tar.exe -xf temp\%%I
if errorlevel 1 goto :panic
tlpkg\tlperl\bin\perl.exe .\texmf\scripts\texlive\tlmgr.pl _include_tlpobj tlpkg\tlpobj\texlive.infra.tlpobj
if errorlevel 1 goto :panic
>>"C:/texlive/2010/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log" echo [%date% %time%] self restore: texlive.infra ^(20974^)
>con echo self restore: texlive.infra ^(20974^)
>con echo Infrastructure update failed. Previous version has been restored.
>con rem
exit /b 1
>>"C:/texlive/2010/texmf-var/web2c/tlmgr.log" echo [%date% %time%] failed self restore: texlive.infra ^(20974^)
>con echo failed self restore: texlive.infra ^(20974^)
>con echo FATAL ERROR:
>con echo Infrastructure update failed and backup recovery failed too.
>con echo To repair your TeX Live installation download and run:
>con echo http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet/update-tlmgr-latest.exe
>con rem
exit /b 666
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