[tex-live] Updating tlmgr on Windows 7
t34www at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 27 14:55:52 CET 2011
Please, stay on the list.
On 27 January 2011 12:06, Martin Schröder <martin at oneiros.de> wrote:
> Am 27. Januar 2011 12:53 schrieb T T <t34www at googlemail.com>:
>>> Pressing the "Aktualisieren aller Pakete" in the _main_ window
>>> just leads to tlmgr doing _something_ while blinking heavily and then
>>> shutting itself down.
>> And after that it should open a command window and complete the update. Did it?
> No.
> It actually starts blinking and then crashes when I press OK. :-(
Not sure what you mean by blinking. On the taskbar? And where do you
press OK? Any error message?
> But before it crashes it tells me I should call "tlmgr update --self".
What does it say exactly and where (error dialog, command window)?
> At the next start it wants to update itself again. :-(
>> There should be a log file from the update:
>> C:\texlive\2010\temp\update-self.log. Send it to me and I will try to
>> figure out what went wrong (if anything).
> No logfile. :-(
That is pretty bad. It means that tlmgr doesn't even start the update.
Can you start the gui from the command line with:
tlmgr -v gui > "%temp%\tlmgr-debug.log"
Do the update and send us the tlmgr-debug.log from the temp directory
(type %temp% in the address bar of windows explorer to navigate to
that dir).
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