[tex-live] [bug] apparent pstricks and graphicx incompatibility in plain tex
Christopher Genovese
genovese at cmu.edu
Mon Jan 10 23:16:04 CET 2011
Running texlive 2010 on a Mac running OS X 10.5.8 to update some old
(which were originally processed fine with texlive 2007). But tex fails in
them in the new version. The files use a format built on plain TeX.
I have reduce the problem to the following, using plain TeX only
\input pstricks
> \input graphicx
> \psset{unit=1pc}
> \bye
This file produces the following error message:
! xkeyval error: [ undefined.
> \XKV at err #1->\errmessage {xkeyval error: #1}
> \KV at split ...x \KV at errx {\@tempa \space undefined}
> \else \ifx \@empty
> #3\@emp...
> \KV at do ...lax #1\empty \else \KV at split #1==\relax
> \expandafter \KV at do \fi
> \setkeys ...{KV@#1@}\let \@tempc \relax \KV at do #2,
> \relax ,
> \pss at t [#1]#2->\setkeys +[
> psset]{#1}{#2}\ignorespaces
> <*> \psset{unit=1pc}
Note that all this worked in the earlier texlive version.
Note also that if I reverse the order of inputs for pstricks and graphicx,
the bug is even weirder:
Forbidden control sequence found while scanning definition of \XKV at d@f at ne
> @b at olkey.
> --- TeX said ---
> <inserted text>
> }
> <to be read again>
> \newif
> l.448 \expandafter\newif
> \csname if#3\endcsname
In the original order, any pstricks information generates errors.
I haven't had a chance to go deep into the code to see what is happening
because I'm preparing my lecture for tomorrow. :) Am I missing something
about the update to pstricks?
Either way, such a drastic change looks like a bug to me.
Any help would be appreciated including,
if appropriate, workarounds. The best option I'm seeing at the moment is to
reactivate texlive-2007
because I use the pstricks and graphicx combination a lot! But I'd rather
not do that if it can
be helped.
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