[tex-live] /graphics/prerex
Norbert Preining
preining at logic.at
Tue Jun 29 07:49:58 CEST 2010
Hi Bob,
On Mo, 28 Jun 2010, Bob Tennent wrote:
> + prerex.sty: macros; should be unproblematic
With all the binary stuff ther eis a problem: Including a new program
is quite some work, and much worse, making sure that it compiles on
all supported archs and getting new builds from all is a bit a pain,
and normally takes long time.
As we are quite close to freeeze, and the last builds have been more
or less done (but I exepct *one* more round), it is probably too late
for this years inclusion of a new binary.
You should have come here a bit earlier.
Further comments:
> + prerex: an interactive editor, this is now (version 6.0) packaged as a
> gzipped tarball with an autoconf-generated configure script; should be
> straightforward.
lib dependencies? What libs do you need to build that one?
does it build on all the architectures we support?
> + vprerex: a graphical front-end and viewer for the editor; this uses Qt4
> and poppler libraries, and is configured using qmake; this may not be
> suitable for texlive
Right, we will not dive into Qt ... we didn't do it for TeX Works,
as the hell of libs is a mess.
> + patches for kpdf/okular; these were useful before the development of
> vprerex but are now deprecated.
Anyway, shipping them would be not very useful.
So if you want to contribute or help, grab the current source of TeX LIve
from svn, and try to fit your package into the autoconf/autobuikld
system as developed by Peter. Check that it builds on at least the
platforms available for you. Then send us a tar ball with the ready
Thanks a lot and all the best
Norbert Preining preining@{jaist.ac.jp, logic.at, debian.org}
JAIST, Japan TeX Live & Debian Developer
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