[tex-live] XITS fonts (was: stix fonts)
Tobias Burnus
burnus at net-b.de
Thu Jun 10 11:11:05 CEST 2010
Will Robertson wrote at
http://tug.org/pipermail/tex-live/2010-May/025960.html :
> Now that the STIX fonts are released, is there any chance of them
> making it into TeX Live 2010? What would the procedure be to get them
> onto CTAN? (They are distributed under the SIL Open Font License.) I'm
> happy to "maintain" a CTAN STIX fonts package (i.e., just send in the
> fonts) if that's necessary.
> I'm about to release a package for XeTeX (and LuaTeX sooner or later)
> for using unicode maths fonts in LaTeX, and it would be great to be
> able to use these fonts by default.
I wonder whether it would make more sense to add the XITS fonts, which
are STIX + some modifications to allow Open Math, cf.
and the beta 1 and beta 2 announcements at
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