[tex-live] "Rebuild all formats" with two installations
Vedran Miletić
rivanvx at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 09:18:53 CEST 2010
Datuma 3. lipnja 2010. 22:53 Reinhard Kotucha
<reinhard.kotucha at web.de> je napisao/la:
> I still don't know what you mean. If you tell the installer to
> "create symlinks to standard directories", you don't have to do
> anything else. If you don't, you have to add the bin directory to
> PATH. But if there is another TeX distribution on your system
> already, you should make sure that the version you want to use comes
> first in PATH, i.e.
> PATH=/path/to/current/texlive/bin:$PATH
> export PATH
> If the version you want to use doesn't precede other versions in PATH,
> I can guarantee you that you'll have a lot of fun.
> Another problem can occur if you already have a complete TeX Live
> system installed on your machine and install a newer version but don't
> select "scheme full" at install time. It's obviously clear what
> happens.
> Nevertheless, since you said
> "If symlinks are not there, tlmgr exectues executables from system"
> I'm convinced that PATH is not set properly.
Oh, I see now how things are supposed to work. Thanks for your explanation.
Vedran Miletić
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