[tex-live] some comments and questions about gui
Norbert Preining
preining at logic.at
Tue Jun 1 19:20:30 CEST 2010
On Di, 01 Jun 2010, Mojca Miklavec wrote:
> - gui that shows packages doesn't scale too well (if I extend it, the
> lightblue-darkblue pattern stops at some point; it's not possible to
> change width of column)
True, that is because the columns have a fixed width.
> - If I want to see the version of 'plain', I cannot - it spans into
> two rows since the version is so long
On Unix it fits. Strange.
> - What do I need to do if I want better documentation for hyphen-foo packages?
Double click the line.
And if that does not suffice, edit all the hyphen-*.tlpsrc files
to include shortdesc, longdesc.
> - When viewing package information and one scales the window, text
> should stay on left and the window showing files should extend at
> least downwards, but also to the right might be nice as well
Well, if you are able to program that in Perl/Tk, please go ahead.
I would be already happy if you to it in wish (Tcl/Tk) ;-)
As said, I never programmed a lot in */Tk, so if someone with more
experience steps forward and improves the layout features I would
be happy ...
> - I'm not sure that I understand "Match"/"pattern" and how exactly it
> works (so I don't know how to translate it).
It works like
tlmgr search XXXXX
ie searches packge names, short/long descriptions for the keyword.
> - In "general options"/windows/non-admin the last three options seem
> to be left-aligned, while the rest is middle-aligned.
Really? Can you send me a screen shot? I would be surprised since
all options widgets are packed in the same loop, thus the same way.
> - How can one translate messages such as "tlmgr: no updates available" etc.?
YOu cannot, as it is not a message of tlmgrgui, but of tlmgr.pl itself.
tlmgr messages are currently not translatable.
Best wishes
Norbert Preining preining@{jaist.ac.jp, logic.at, debian.org}
JAIST, Japan TeX Live & Debian Developer
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