[tex-live] Problem with PATH?
George N. White III
gnwiii at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 15:54:34 CEST 2010
On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 10:03 AM, Jobst Hoffmann <j.hoffmann at fh-aachen.de> wrote:
> I've just stumbled across a (personal?) configuration problem:
> after defining the PATH variable (Linux x86_64 system) as
> $ export
> PATH=.:/home/xxx/bin:/usr/local/texlive/2009/bin/x86_64-linux:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
I've had some strange errors using Ubuntu 10.4 x86_64 that don't occur
with the 32-bit binaries. You might
want to try the i386_linux binaries first and move to the x86_64
versions once 32-bit stuff is working -- in
any case I'd put priority on testing i386-linux as it is useful to the
vast majority.
> I got a result for
> $ kpsewhich -all fancyref.sty
> like
> /usr/local/texlive/2009/../texmf-local/tex/latex/fancyref/fancyref.sty
> /usr/local/texlive/2009/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fancyref/fancyref.sty
> (what I've expected, I've modified fancyref.sty according personal
> needs)
> but after
> $ export
> PATH=.:/home/xxx/bin:/usr/local/texlive/2010/bin/x86_64-linux:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
> the command
> $ kpsewhich -all fancyref.sty
> gave the output
> /usr/local/texlive/2010/texmf-dist/tex/latex/fancyref/fancyref.sty
> In /usr/local/texlive/2010/web2c/texmf.cnf I find
This doesn't seem right. I get:
$ find /usr/local/texlive/2010 -name texmf.cnf
$ kpsewhich --all texmf.cnf
> and
The "!!" means "look only in the ls-R db". Do you have that for the
2009 version
and is the ls-R current?
> So I would expect same results for both 2009 and 2010 versions. What am
> I doing wrong?
> Kind regards and Happy TeXing
> Jobst
> --
> Prof. Dr. Jobst Hoffmann Tel: +49 (241) 6009-5 31 59
> Fachhochschule Aachen Abt. Jülich Fax: +49 (241) 6009-5 31 89
> Fachbereich 09 email: j.hoffmann at fh-aachen.de
George N. White III <aa056 at chebucto.ns.ca>
Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
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