[tex-live] Stable vs. Unstable/Testing Update Repositories?
Karl Berry
karl at freefriends.org
Tue Feb 23 22:51:54 CET 2010
Hi Claire,
1) People on deadlines shouldn't update. The only combination of
packages that is or can be tested is the one that ships as the yearly
release. Personally, I keep an installation of that on my machine,
and never update it.
2) There is no feasible way for anyone involved (authors, CTAN, TL) to
know what a given update breaks and what doesn't. So there's no
feasible way to have branches (in addition, it would be a huge amount
of work and a huge additional complication).
3) I don't know what the problem is with the new beamer not making it to
mirrors, or if that's really what's happening. The new package was
posted in the tlnet repository on Feb 19 (file size of
beamer.tar.xz=94756). I haven't checked the mirrors to see which
don't have it. In any event, I will attach the new file to this
file. It differs only in comments from the patch that was posted
(thanks, Vladimir and Ulrike). At least I hope so.
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