[tex-live] Packages marked as forcibly removed when updating
Thomas Arildsen
tha at es.aau.dk
Tue Feb 23 12:59:13 CET 2010
I am trying to update Texlive on my system. I am on a network where
updates frequently fail (for unknown reasons - but I suspect the proxy
server). In my most recent attempt to update Texlive, the first run of
tlmgr update --all produced the following output:
tlmgr: package repository http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet
[1/54, ??:??/??:??] update: Tabbing [217k] (15878 -> 17022) ... done
[2/54, 00:08/25:51] update: animate [2731k] (16811 -> 17088) ... done
[3/54, 00:45/10:40] update: antt [7012k] (15878 -> 16990) ... done
[4/54, 01:42/07:09] update: anyfontsize [182k] (15878 -> 17050) ... done
[5/54, 01:47/07:22] update: authoraftertitle [114k] (15878 -> 17063) ...
[6/54, 01:50/07:30] update: bbm-macros [300k] (15878 -> 17064) ...
did not succeed, please retry.
Installation of new version of bbm-macros did fail, trying to unwind.
Restoring old package state succeeded.
[7/54, 01:53/07:29] update: bbold [144k] (15878 -> 17065) ... done
[8/54, 02:02/07:58] update: beamer [1772k] (16987 -> 17093) ... done
[9/54, 02:09/07:14] update: beamerposter [77k] (15878 -> 17066) ...
did not succeed, please retry.
Installation of new version of beamerposter did fail, trying to unwind.
Restoring old package state succeeded.
[10/54, 02:11/07:18] update: bezos [644k] (15878 -> 17114) ... done
[11/54, 02:15/07:09] update: biblist [211k] (15878 -> 17116) ... done
[12/54, 02:19/07:15] update: bigints [102k] (17053 -> 17070) ... done
[13/54, 02:23/07:24] update: bophook [50k] (15878 -> 17062) ... Downloading
did not succeed, please retry.
Installation of new version of bophook did fail, trying to unwind.
Restoring old package state succeeded.
[14/54, 02:25/07:29] update: bracketkey [288k] (15878 -> 17129) ... done
[15/54, 02:33/07:44] update: braille [68k] (15878 -> 17130) ... done
[16/54, 02:38/07:56] update: calrsfs [151k] (15878 -> 17125) ... done
[17/54, 02:42/08:03] update: carlisle [36k] (15878 -> 17132) ... done
[18/54, 02:46/08:14] update: ccfonts [194k] (15878 -> 17122) ... done
[19/54, 02:51/08:22] update: cd-cover [314k] (15878 -> 17121) ... done
[20/54, 02:56/08:26] update: chemcono [234k] (15878 -> 17119) ... done
[21/54, 03:00/08:29] update: engtlc [169k] (16719 -> 17077) ... Downloading
did not succeed, please retry.
Installation of new version of engtlc did fail, trying to unwind.
Restoring old package state succeeded.
[22/54, 03:02/08:29] update: fixfoot [52k] (15878 -> 17131) ... done
[23/54, 03:05/08:35] update: footbib [221k] (15878 -> 17115) ...
did not succeed, please retry.
Installation of new version of footbib did fail, trying to unwind.
Restoring old package state succeeded.
[24/54, 03:07/08:33] update: geometry [217k] (17014 -> 17060) ... done
[25/54, 03:24/09:12] update: koma-script [8222k] (15878 -> 17067) ... done
Removing backup /usr/local/texlive/2009/backup/ltxmisc.r15336.tar.xz
[26/54, 03:53/06:52] update: ltxmisc [86k] (17056 -> 17136) ... done
[27/54, 04:04/07:10] update: memoir [2987k] (16056 -> 17108) ... done
[28/54, 04:35/07:10] update: preview [196k] (15878 -> 17118) ... done
[29/54, 04:43/07:20] update: pst-3dplot [2676k] (15878 -> 17113) ... done
[30/54, 04:53/06:54] update: pst-node [437k] (16970 -> 17128) ... done
Removing backup /usr/local/texlive/2009/backup/pstricks.r15486.tar.xz
[31/54, 05:11/07:13] update: pstricks [7050k] (17054 -> 17078) ... done
Removing backup /usr/local/texlive/2009/backup/siunitx.r15408.tar.xz
[32/54, 06:13/07:01] update: siunitx [537k] (16929 -> 17117) ... done
[33/54, 06:19/07:02] update: texdoc [245k] (16920 -> 17111) ... done
[34/54, 06:24/07:05] update: texlive-common [222k] (15914 -> 17091) ... done
[35/54, 06:33/07:12] update: ucs [1071k] (15878 -> 17090) ... Downloading
did not succeed, please retry.
Installation of new version of ucs did fail, trying to unwind.
Restoring old package state succeeded.
[36/54, 06:34/07:01] update: collection-bibtexextra [1k] (16287 ->
17126) ... done
[37/54, 06:35/07:02] update: collection-documentation-base [1k] (13822
-> 17091) ... done
[38/54, 06:37/07:04] update: collection-latex [1k] (15495 -> 17133) ... done
[39/54, 06:39/07:07] update: collection-latexextra [4k] (16932 -> 17127)
... done
[40/54, 06:40/07:08] update: collection-latexrecommended [1k] (16814 ->
17134) ... done
[41/54, 06:42/07:10] auto-install: biblatex-chem [525k]
[42/54, 06:45/07:07] auto-install: biblatex-nature [133k]
did not succeed, please retry.
/usr/local/bin/tlmgr: couldn't install new package biblatex-nature
[43/54, 06:45/07:06] auto-install: blkarray [304k]
[44/54, 06:48/07:06] auto-install: bold-extra [215k]
[45/54, 06:50/07:06] auto-install: boxedminipage [115k]
[46/54, 06:53/07:07] auto-install: braket [213k]
did not succeed, please retry.
/usr/local/bin/tlmgr: couldn't install new package braket
[47/54, 06:53/07:05] auto-install: breakcites [146k]
did not succeed, please retry.
/usr/local/bin/tlmgr: couldn't install new package breakcites
[48/54, 06:54/07:05] auto-install: cancel [258k]
[49/54, 06:57/07:05] auto-install: cases [304k]
[50/54, 07:00/07:05] auto-install: chbibref [167k]
[51/54, 07:02/07:05] auto-install: fix2col [78k]
[52/54, 07:05/07:08] auto-install: texlive-docindex [58k]
[53/54, 07:07/07:09] auto-install: twoinone [72k]
[54/54, 07:10/07:11] auto-install: typehtml [175k]
tlmgr: package log updated at
running mktexlsr ...
done running mktexlsr.
running updmap-sys ...
done running updmap-sys.
Notice how packages 42, 46, and 47 fail in a different way than for
example 35. Now, I usually just re-run 'tlmgr update --all' until all
packages have been successfully downloaded. The next run produces the
following output:
tlmgr: package repository http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet
skipping forcibly removed package biblatex-nature
skipping forcibly removed package braket
skipping forcibly removed package breakcites
[1/6, ??:??/??:??] update: bbm-macros [300k] (15878 -> 17064) ... done
[2/6, 00:06/00:37] update: beamerposter [77k] (15878 -> 17066) ... done
[3/6, 00:09/00:45] update: bophook [50k] (15878 -> 17062) ... done
[4/6, 00:12/00:53] update: engtlc [169k] (16719 -> 17077) ... done
[5/6, 00:16/00:50] update: footbib [221k] (15878 -> 17115) ... done
[6/6, 00:25/00:57] update: ucs [1071k] (15878 -> 17090) ... done
tlmgr: package log updated at
running mktexlsr ...
done running mktexlsr.
Notice that the three packages biblatex-nature, braket, and breakcites
have now apparently been marked as 'forcibly removed'. Is this behaviour
intended? It doesn't look like it to me.
Best regards,
Thomas Arildsen
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