[tex-live] Memoir and spacing issue after footnote
Meho R.
meho_r at yahoo.com
Sat Feb 20 14:56:07 CET 2010
Great. Thanks for quick reply.
From: Lars Madsen <daleif at imf.au.dk>
To: Meho R. <meho_r at yahoo.com>
Cc: tex-live at tug.org
Sent: Sat, February 20, 2010 2:48:49 PM
Subject: Re: [tex-live] Memoir and spacing issue after footnote
Lars Madsen wrote:
> Meho R. wrote:
>> Hi
>> I've just updated TeXLive and memoir package, among other packages, and noticed a strange space that appears when a footnote command is placed immediately before a period. Here's an example code:
>> \documentclass{memoir}
>> \begin{document}
>> Test\footnote{test}. Test
>> \end{document}
>> The space appears just before the period. I used pdflatex to compile the code, but get same result with latex and xelatex. Can anyone confirm this?
> confirmed, interestingly it did not hit \sidefootnote
> will look into it.
> BTW: does anyone know why memoir version
> 2010/02/17 v1.618033988b
> haven't made it to the TL repositories yet?
found it sporadic space, new version will be uploaded to CTAN later today
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