[tex-live] page size bug or problem
P.Taylor at Rhul.Ac.Uk
Mon Feb 15 20:22:03 CET 2010
Dan Luecking wrote:
> The number 8.435mm is almost exactly 24pt, which is the extra
> space taken in plain tex for the footline (page number). Note
> that plain tex adds this on after the amount of space determined
> by \vsize. If you are measuring from top of text to bottom of
> page number, then that exactly accounts for the extra 8.435mm.
> Plain tex (in all distributions) has always behaved this way.
This can be verified by the following simple demonstration :
\hsize = 200 true pt
\vsize = 100 true pt
\let \Shipout = \shipout
\def \shipout #1#2{\setbox 0 = #1 {#2}\showbox 0 \Shipout #1 {#2}}
\hbox {}
which yields (in the log file)
> \box 0 = \vbox (124.0 + 0.0) x 200.0
(spaces interpolated for ease of reading).
** Phil.
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