[tex-live] [Fwd: Re: Some observations for TL09 DVD and texworks]
Lars Madsen
daleif at imf.au.dk
Thu Feb 11 18:16:48 CET 2010
Jonathan Kew wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:05 AM, Manuel Pégourié-Gonnard <mpg at elzevir.fr>wrote:
>> According to the official TW page on tug.org, version the 0.2.x branch is
>> the
>> stable branch and doesn't offer those features, which are listed in the
>> "future"
>> section. (And IIRC, Jonathan may prefer to provide scripting in QtScript
>> (of
>> whatever Qt calls their ECMAscript variant) rather than in Lua, for
>> practical
>> reasons, so I don't think it's a good idea to provide Lua scripting to
>> users if
>> it is to disappear in the next version...)
> I believe MikTeX ships a build based on the texworks svn development
> sources, which are considered unstable, experimental code where features may
> be added, revised, or even possibly removed. There has been quite a bit of
> work on scripting support here, including several iterations on the
> scripting APIs; there will eventually be a new "stable" release that will
> include this functionality as well as other new/updated features, but it may
> not exactly match the experimental code MikTeX has chosen to ship.
> Personally, I think it was premature for the MikTeX people to ship the
> unstable development code as a standard part of their distro. But they've
> never asked my view about it.
> JK
Ahh, that explains it. Thanks Jonathan.
BTW does the svn versions fix the other problem we had with TW and
non-ascii letters in folder names?
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