[tex-live] Texlive 2009-39.1 update caused beamer problem
Paolo Crosetto
paolo.crosetto at gmail.com
Mon Apr 12 13:30:01 CEST 2010
Hello everyone.
I am a heavy latex-beamer user (actually, I depend on it!).
I use Opensuse 11.1, x86-64, and use to have texlive update from the (stable)
Publishing repository (here: Index of
I recently updated to the latest version of texlive available on the repo (it
is 2009-39.1 for some packages and 2009-38.1 for other (notably the main
texlive itself).
Since the update, beamer files fail to compile properly with pdflatex some of
the old files, and _does not_ compile at all the new files.
In the second case, which is by far the worse, beamer cannot compile any file.
It spits out an error at the very first line (undefined control sequence:
In this case beamer cannot compile even a minimal file like this:
\title{A title}
\frametitle{A sample frame}
\item frame content 1
\item frame content 2
The errors it reports are striking: follows an excerpt from the log
This is pdfTeX, Version 3.1415926-1.40.10 (TeX Live 2009/openSUSE Build
Service (...)
*geometry* driver: auto-detecting
*geometry* detected driver: pdftex
! Undefined control sequence.
\Gm at lmargin ->\Geom at lmargin
l.12 \begin{document}
! Undefined control sequence.
\Gm at rmargin ->\Geom at rmargin
In the first case (some old file with a beamer presentation) the file
compiles, and pdf is generated, but margins are wrong, parts of the slides is
cropped, and it reports errors in the beamer style file.
The errors reported are somewhat different from file to file, but they usually
have to do with style files (innertheme, outertheme). More precisely,
compilation reports errors on meeting statements related to 'text margin left'
and/or 'text margin right'.
\setbeamersize{text margin left = \beamer at fancy@normalmargin}
Beamer complains that this is an undefined control sequence (I suppose it
complains about 'text margin left').
I suppose something must have gone wrong either in texlive sources or in the
compilation process used to build the 2009-39 (and -38) rpms.
I wanted to contact the repo maintainer as I think this could be the
packager's fault but could not find his/her name anywhere.
Paolo Crosetto
PhD Student in Economics
DEAS - Department of Economics - University of Milan
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