[tex-live] LuaTeX cygwin build
Élie Roux
elie.roux at telecom-bretagne.eu
Thu Apr 8 15:50:48 CEST 2010
2010/4/8 Ken Brown <kbrow1i at gmail.com>:
> Texlive does distribute Cygwin binaries (for Cygwin 1.7 only). Can you test
> to see if the problem occurs with those? I'm the one who built the
> binaries, but I've never used Luatex and don't know how to test it.
Are the binaries for TeXLive 2010 built already? If so where can I
find them? If I test on the binaries of TeXLive 2009, it won't be
reliable as a lot of changes happened in LuaTeX since...
Thank you,
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