[tex-live] tex live 2009 pretests

Oliver Heins olli at sopos.org
Tue Jul 7 16:37:41 CEST 2009

Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> writes:

> On So, 05 Jul 2009, Oliver Heins wrote:
>> >> -- Then I downloaded install-tl-unx.tar.gz from one mirror and started
>> >>    ./install-tl, but got an error, too:
>> >
>> > Why? Just go into tlnet/ and start
>> > 	install-tl
>> > from there. Anything else does NOT work!
>> olli at dionysos:~/incoming/install-tl$ ls
>> doc.html    install-tl*   LICENSE.TL  readme-html.dir/  README.usergroups    tlpkg/
>> index.html  LICENSE.CTAN  README      readme-txt.dir/   release-texlive.txt
>> olli at dionysos:~/incoming/install-tl$ find . -name "tlnet"
>> olli at dionysos:~/incoming/install-tl$ 
> You rsynced the tlnet from one of the servers, right? What about cd-ing
> into *THAT* tlnet folder you will find install-tl there!!!

No.  First I tried to rsync, but that failed.  Then I downloaded
install-tl-unx.tar.gz, but that failed with the cited error message.  (I
managed it to work by providing a --location, but IMHO that should at
least be mentioned on the install page).

After that, I read on the ml that the -x switch doesn't work on
debian/ubuntu systems, and I decided to rather rsync the tlnet than
doing a network installation (having a weak net connection and the
reports of Martin in mind).


Oliver Heins olli at sopos.org    http://oliverheins.net/
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