[tex-live] install-info from TeXLive 2008
Norbert Preining
preining at logic.at
Thu Jul 2 17:21:32 CEST 2009
On Do, 02 Jul 2009, Bernhard Kleine wrote:
> I will clean my installation as proposed. BTW Would it not be time for some debianized texlive 2008? Well, I am so content with texlive as it is, may be I would not update to an again older version.
Wellllll, help needed. I am currently packaging TL2009 for Debian since
2008 will not make it anyway into a stable release, so I am going
straight for TL2009. BUt there are still many things to straighten out,
and I am much occupied with TL itself, too, not only Debian programming.
Best wishes
Dr. Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining at debian.org> Debian TeX Group
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Of dog-owners, to adopt the absurd pretence that the animal shitting
in the gutter is nothing to do with them.
--- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff
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