[tex-live] packages with characters > 127

Taco Hoekwater taco at elvenkind.com
Mon Dec 28 13:54:23 CET 2009

Robin Fairbairns wrote:
> Werner LEMBERG <wl at gnu.org> wrote:
>>>> The final question: is it useful to ask the authors of packages
>>>> with some 8-bit characters in the comments to change them?
>> Why?  A package which deals with, say, latin1 stuff should be allowed
>> to have latin1 characters in comments too.  I rather suggest that you
>> contact the authors who use non-ASCII characters without specifying a
>> proper file encoding, either in the beginning or end of the file
>> (e.g., in Emacs style).
> do xelatex/lualatex analyse all possible encoding signifiers?  (this is
> a serious question: i've no idea.)

Luatex doesn't. Input has to be utf-8, and latin-1 stuff wouldn't work 

Best wishes,

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