[tex-live] No unzip in texlive/2008/bin/win32/
George N. White III
gnwiii at gmail.com
Tue Dec 30 18:33:03 CET 2008
On Tue, Dec 30, 2008 at 7:28 AM, Philip TAYLOR <chaa006 at gmail.com> wrote:
> In my experience, Win/XP can unpack ZIP files using
> Windows Explorer, which understands ZIP format (and
> uses it for what it terms "compressed folders"); is
> it clear to you why this did not work in your case ?
getnonfreefonts is a cross-platform script and expects a command-line
unzip(.exe on WIn32) that supports certain options. WinZip has a
command-line addon but the options aren't compatible with those of
the open source unzip. Is there a command-line interface for Windows
For the OP -- sometimes when a file fails to get installed it has been
blocked by some anti-virus tool -- it could be helpful to check your
event logs and anti-virus logs for clues.
> Philip TAYLOR
> --------
> Axel Kielhorn wrote:
>> Hi!
>> I have just instaled TeXlive 2008 (last night's rsync) on a Windows XP SP3
>> computer.
>> After installing it, I called getnonfreefonts-sys to install the fonts I
>> have on my Unix machines, but strangely it fails.
>> On closer inspection I discovered that there is no unzip in
>> texlive/2008/bin/win32/.
>> Since this is not my computer it didn't have unzip in the PATH, well, it
>> does now and erveryhting is fine.
>> Regards
>> Axel
George N. White III <aa056 at chebucto.ns.ca>
Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
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