[tex-live] report: installing on vista, using standard-configuration
Norbert Preining
preining at logic.at
Mon Dec 8 23:01:15 CET 2008
Hi Andreas,
On Mon, 08 Dec 2008, Andreas Hirsch wrote:
> Doing this, I made a netinstall using the standard configuration of the
> installer (C:\programme\texlive) as shown in screenshot
> 'texlive_vista_installationsort_eingestellt'.
That is not a screen shot of what you have set. Did you *really* change
the destination folder? Did it show up in the GUI window next to TEXDIR
Otherwise I am quite surprised.
> I was very surprised, finding most of the installation files in a newly
> created C:\program\ (without texlive) as shown in
> 'texlive_vista_installationsort_tatsaechlich'.
> This folder 'program' has been newly created by the installer and it
> seems to me its not identical to the system-folder program which is
That seems all really messed up.
Unfortunately I cannot test it anymore, I abolished Vista from my
laptop, it was a PITA.
> Any copying and any start of tlmgr has to be done in admin-mode - this
> is very unpracticable.
Well, tlmgr changes things in the configuration, and if you install as
admin you should only be able as admin to change something.
> Maybe you should consider to change the standard-installation-folder.
That should already happen ...
Thanks for your report, maybe Siep has more ideas than me.
Best wishes
Dr. Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining at debian.org> Debian TeX Group
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