[tex-live] Installation problems on Windows Vista
Norbert Preining
preining at logic.at
Mon Dec 1 17:38:54 CET 2008
On Mo, 01 Dez 2008, Zdenek Wagner wrote:
> There is a windows-like solution for updating the wrapper. It first
> prepares another script, istalls it to be run at startup and issues
That script we have already prepared, that is the "Final Installation
Step" shortcut which links to a .bat file in tlpkg/temp.
But we do not "please restart" ...
> the auxilliary script will update the wrapper, remove itself from
> startup and run the new wrapper. Hopefully a simple wrapper would not
> need frequent updates.
The problem is not the wrapper, the problem is the perl code itself.
Since all the updating is done via the perl code, all the perl modules
are opened by the perl interpreter, so *nothing* can be replaced.
Best wishes
Dr. Norbert Preining <preining at logic.at> Vienna University of Technology
Debian Developer <preining at debian.org> Debian TeX Group
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