[tex-live] TeXLive on Gentoo
Alexis Ballier
aballier at gentoo.org
Tue Oct 9 00:21:59 CEST 2007
I've been working for a few months on integrating Texlive into Gentoo.
I've reached a state where I'm now happy with it and will probably add
the packages to the official tree very soon. I must thank you all for
the work you've been dedicating in structuring the tex archive and
maintaining a latex distribution, it made my job much easier.
The layout we'll be using is a modular one, like Texlive provides or how
it's packaged into Debian. I've been automatically generating ebuilds
from lists files, that's not optimal and parsing tpm files would have
been better but I've enough information with lists and sed + grep are
enough to parse 'em ;) I'll probably have to switch to tlpkg for next
releases, but for now imho that's fine.
I've had to apply some patches that still applies to trunk, I'm not
sure if that's the right list to send them, if that's not please tell me
where it's more appropriate.
So here is the list :
- a buffer overflow bug in makeindex
- texlive-core-2007-icu-xetex-execstacks.patch
a patch imported from icu 3.6 to not generate asm with
stacks marked as executable
- texlive-core-2007-libteckit-asneeded.patch
libTECkit lib needs to be linked with zlib, usually this does
not cause problems but I've had build failures while linking with
--as-needed without the patch
Other patches are already merged or are specific to our way of using tex
(basically adding /usr/share/texmf-site as a texmf tree to allow single
packages updates compatible with various tex distributions)
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