[tex-live] No room for a new \write
Philipp Fäh
pfaeh at mysunrise.ch
Sun Mar 18 04:20:18 CET 2007
--- As I said above, the limit of 32 files which can be open at the same
--- time sounds ridiculously nowadays. On the other hand, operating
--- systems limit the number of files which can be open at the same
o.k., I agree
Mac OS X: http://developer.apple.com/qa/qa2001/qa1005.html or ulimit -a
--- I don't think I have ever seen an example where there was a serious
--- need for more than 16 read or write allocators. I would like to see
--- actual example of a document with no programming errors and with no
--- excessively sloppy handling of resources that still needs more than
--- 16 distinct read or write handles (simultaneously or sequentially).
LaTeX (4)
toc, lot, lof (3)
... --> ....
minitoc --> titletoc (one .ptc-file) (1)
makeidx --> for more (in one file) splitidx (1)
natbib, multibib --> foreach \newcites{}{} .aux (x)
other packages --> (i.e. comment (1), m-pictex, m-ch-en (1), Hyperref
outlinefile (1) + (x + 1 .brf), etc.) (y)
7 + 2 + x + y < 16
with a secondary bibliography x=1
with need of chemistry (ppchtex) and Hyperref
7 + 2 + 1 + 4 < 16
14 < 16
comments is very useful, to uncomment some/a lot of text without the
percent sign
15 < 16
so we are just at the limit
o.k. I could optimize a lot of stuff in my file and restrict some of my
means. Although there are still a lot of packages to use.
--- The number of write streams don't depend on the number of chapters.
--- More write streams are possible: He was using just one index,
--- more indexes are possible with multind, there could be a
--- list of listings and so on.
That would imply a new (\write-file) structure?
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