[tex-live] No room for a new \write
Heiko Oberdiek
oberdiek at uni-freiburg.de
Sat Mar 17 15:25:39 CET 2007
On Sat, Mar 17, 2007 at 01:03:09PM +0000, Jonathan Kew wrote:
> On 17 Mar 2007, at 11:58 am, Frank Küster wrote:
> >Taco Hoekwater <taco at elvenkind.com> wrote:
> >
> >>I don't think I have ever seen an example where there was a serious
> >>need for more than 16 read or write allocators. I would like to
> >>see an
> >>actual example of a document with no programming errors and with no
> >>excessively sloppy handling of resources that still needs more than
> >>16 distinct read or write handles (simultaneously or sequentially).
> >>
> >>I presume such a document is possible, but until I see a practical
> >>example, I am very reluctant to support/do a change to eTeX.
> >
> >I would have to dig through the archives, but I think I remember an
> >example in de.comp.text.tex, and if I'm not mistaken it used a
> >combination of various packages, one of which writes one file per
> >chapter for chapterwise TOC, LOF, LOT. 4 chapters with three such
> >files
> >each gives already 12 files (sequentially),
> That gives 12 files, yes. But there's no reason for it to use 12
> \write streams. Just close the streams at end of chapter, and re-open
> with new filenames for the next. So 3 streams are enough for such a
> package to handle any number of chapters, even without interleaving
> the records in a single file and then distinguishing them as they're
> re-read later.
Last year I have analyzed a complaint:
From: Heiko Oberdiek <oberdiek at uni-freiburg.de>
Newsgroups: de.comp.text.tex
Subject: Re: \write16 nicht möglich
Date: Thu, 23 Feb 2006 22:03:23 +0100
Message-ID: <dtl7un$krr$1 at news.BelWue.DE>
| LaTeX: 3 writes (0-3) \@unused, \@mainaux, \@partaux
| fancybox: 1 write (3)
| multibib: 6 writes (4-9) \newcites{one, ..., six}
| minitoc: 1 write (10)
| multind: 1 write (11) \makeindex{total}
| hyperref: 1 write (12) \@outlinefile
| graphics/pdftex.def/supp-mis.tex: 1 write (13)
| toc, lof, lot: 3 writes (14-16)
The number of write streams don't depend on the number of chapters.
More write streams are possible: He was using just one index,
more indexes are possible with multind, there could be a
list of listings and so on.
Yours sincerely
Heiko <oberdiek at uni-freiburg.de>
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