[tex-live] Bug in TexLive 2005 and 2007? Non-writable aux-file
Frank Küster
frank at kuesterei.ch
Tue Mar 6 18:07:02 CET 2007
Philip & Le Khanh <Philip-and-LeKhanh at Royal-Tunbridge-Wells.Org> wrote:
> OK, herewith VMS results (TeX 3.1415b)
> As hypothesized, ex.tex;1 is still fine, but TeX has created
> ex.tex;2 which is empty.
But doesn't that mean that the essential part of the bug is present on
VMS, too? Shouldn't a non-buggy TeX create ex.aux;2?
Regards, Frank
Dr. Frank Küster
Single Molecule Spectroscopy, Protein Folding @ Inst. f. Biochemie, Univ. Zürich
Debian Developer (teTeX/TeXLive)
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