[tex-live] Problem with sample files
Eduardo Mendonça
eduardo at gps.tsc.upc.edu
Tue Mar 6 03:55:35 CET 2007
Warning noob to latex here :)
I download the DVD of TexLive 2007 and installed in on disk. Using Linux
Everything was working ok (it seemed so), and I could execute the sample
file "sample2e.tex".
When running the sample "story.tex" got some issues, and some more with
other files like "small2e.tex". I've posted the content of the output file
story.log, after doing $pdflatex story.tex. Am I missing any configuration
I've eliminated some parts of the file that I thought to be redundant.
This is pdfTeXk, Version 3.141592-1.40.3 (Web2C 7.5.6)
(format=pdflatex 2007.3.6) 6 MAR 2007 03:43
entering extended mode
%&-line parsing enabled.
LaTeX2e <2005/12/01>
Babel <v3.8h> and hyphenation patterns for english, usenglishmax, dumylang, noh
yphenation, arabic, basque, bulgarian, coptic, welsh, czech, slovak, german, ng
erman, danish, esperanto, spanish, catalan, galician, estonian, farsi, finnish,
french, greek, monogreek, ancientgreek, croatian, hungarian, interlingua, ibyc
us, indonesian, icelandic, italian, latin, mongolian, dutch, norsk, polish, por
tuguese, pinyin, romanian, russian, slovenian, uppersorbian, serbian, swedish,
turkish, ukenglish, ukrainian, loaded.
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \bf
A SHORT STORYl.3 \centerline{\bf A SHORT STORY}
? quit
OK, entering \batchmode...
Missing character: There is no A in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no Y in font nullfont!
! Undefined control sequence.
<argument> \sl
by A. U. Thorl.5 \centerline{\sl by A. U. Thor}
% !`?`?! (modified)
The control sequence at the end of the top line
of your error message was never \def'ed. If you have
misspelled it (e.g., `\hobx'), type `I' and the correct
spelling (e.g., `I\hbox'). Otherwise just continue,
and I'll forget about whatever was undefined.
Missing character: There is no b in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no r in font nullfont!
! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.7 O
nce upon a time, in a distant
You're in trouble here. Try typing <return> to proceed.
If that doesn't work, type X <return> to quit.
Missing character: There is no O in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no d in font nullfont!
LaTeX Font Info: Try loading font information for +cmr on input line 8.
LaTeX Font Info: No file cmr.fd. on input line 8.
LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `/cmr/m/n' undefined
(Font) using `/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 8.
! Corrupted NFSS tables.
wrong at fontshape ...message {Corrupted NFSS tables}
error at fontshape else let f...
l.8 galaxy called \"O
\"o\c c,
This error message was generated by an \errmessage
command, so I can't give any explicit help.
Pretend that you're Hercule Poirot: Examine all clues,
and deduce the truth by order and method.
LaTeX Font Warning: Font shape `/cmr/m/n' undefined
(Font) using `OT1/cmr/m/n' instead on input line 8.
Missing character: There is no , in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no . in font nullfont!
Overfull \hbox (20.0pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 7--11
Overfull \hbox (22.22227pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 7--11
\/cmr/m/n/10 ^^?O^^?o^^Xc
! LaTeX Error: Missing \begin{document}.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.12 M
r.~Drofnats---or ``R. J.,'' as
You're in trouble here. Try typing <return> to proceed.
If that doesn't work, type X <return> to quit.
Missing character: There is no M in font nullfont!
Missing character: There is no . in font nullfont!
Overfull \hbox (20.0pt too wide) in paragraph at lines 12--16
! LaTeX Error: The font size command \normalsize is not defined:
there is probably something wrong with the class file.
See the LaTeX manual or LaTeX Companion for explanation.
Type H <return> for immediate help.
l.18 \vfill\eject
Your command was ignored.
Type I <command> <return> to replace it with another command,
or <return> to continue without it.
! Emergency stop.
<*> story.tex
*** (job aborted, no legal \end found)
Here is how much of TeX's memory you used:
19 strings out of 94073
201 string characters out of 1162994
48804 words of memory out of 1500000
3401 multiletter control sequences out of 10000+50000
3640 words of font info for 14 fonts, out of 1200000 for 2000
645 hyphenation exceptions out of 8191
16i,4n,16p,66b,113s stack positions out of 5000i,500n,6000p,200000b,5000s
! ==> Fatal error occurred, no output PDF file produced!
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