[tex-live] Running Live - no access to C drive
dmitrij.ledkov at gmail.com
Sun Mar 4 23:08:29 CET 2007
As far as I understand now:
1) it is possible to avoid using C drive during initial small preference
installation to run Tex Live of DVD
2) In order to do this you need to generate those preference/must have files
first and put them somewhere the DVD can access it ie the DVD itself or
flash drive or like network drive
If 1 and 2 are right can someone please explain in detail step/by step how
to achieve this. And is there a simple procedure to do that (ie some exe
program which will do all of that)???? BTW i know nothing about emacs.
On 3/4/07, George N. White III <gnwiii at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 3/4/07, poti giannakouros <potiatpotisdotorg at yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Hello Dmitrij,
> > I don't exactly have an answer for you, but
> > I am currently trying to do what Karl described.
> > My current status is that I cannot view DVI files,
> > and I cannot use packages. Very simple documents
> > however, do work.
> >
> > In case it helps you, and in case you or someone else
> > can help me, here is what I have done so far:
> >
> > tlmpgui installs material in C:\TexLive2007 and C:\texmf-var.
> TexLive2007
> > contains the dvi viewer, ghostscript, and a temp directory, if I recall
> > correctly
> > (I am not at a PC). In my case, I also needed to change the default
> paper
> > size
> > so I clanged the files indicted at the end of this post and ran
> > c:\localtexmf\dvipdfm\config>fmtutil.exe --all
> > which made about what had been about 10 megabytes
> > in texmf-var become 53 megabytes.
> >
> > I then moved texmf-var to the directory that would become the root of my
> > DVD.
> >
> > I use TexLive through emacs, so I set my environment variables in
> > site-lisp/site-start.el
> > as follows (I am just starting to learn emacs lisp, so corrections are
> > welcome):
> >
> > (setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "PATH")
> >
> > ";D:\\bin\\win32\\gs\\gs8.54\\bin;D:\\bin\\win32\\dviout;D:\\bin\\win32"
> > ))
> > (setenv "GS_LIB" (concat ()
> > "D:\\bin\\win32\\gs\\gs8.54\\lib" ))
> > (setenv "TLroot" (concat () "D:\\" ))
> > (setenv "TEXMFVAR" (concat () "D:\\texmf-var" ))
> > (setenv "TEXMFTEMP" (concat () "C:\\WINDOWS\\Temp" ))
> > (setenv "TEXMFCNF" (concat () "D:\\texmf-var\\web2c" ))
> > (setenv "PERL5LIB" (concat ()
> > "D:\\perlt\\lib;D:\\perltl\\site\\llib" ))
> >
> > (custom-set-variables
> > ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
> > ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
> > ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
> > ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
> > '(exec-path (quote ( "." "D:/Emacs/bin" "D:/bin/win32/gs/gs8.54/bin"
> > "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat 7.0/Reader/" "D:/GnuWin32/bin"
> > "D:/bin/win32" "D:/bin/win32/dviout"))))
> >
> > I edited out some things for readability but think I have all the
> TeXLive
> > related things.
> >
> > As it stands, if I try to typeset
> > texmf-doc/doc/english/guide-to-latex/demodoc.tex
> > I get errors regarding latex.fmt not found. Output is produced if I
> remove
> > the \usepackage lines
> > in the header. Possibly related is the fact that I cannot used dviout.
> It
> > looks for fonts on the C drive and the F drive, which was the MO disk on
> > which I prepared the contents of my DVD. Windvi seems
> > to work and produces a page that is narrower and taller than my text,
> making
> > me think that my
> > conversion to letter default worked and windvi might work when I fix the
> > arguments with which emacs is calling it. Also, I cannot get acrobat to
> > launch as a pdf viewer from emacs.
> >
> > I hope this helps, and I will post more if I learn more before others
> can
> > pitch in.
> It sounds like you have a good start. Emacs is helpful because you can
> run commands in a *shell* window and capture many pages of output
> for analysis. There are several ways to debug tex file searching. In
> my experience most problems are caused not by missing files, but by
> tex finding the "wrong" file -- often an older version left in a
> user's personal texmf tree or mixed in with the source files.
> I have a couple concerns, however. What happens if the DVD
> reader isn't drive D:? It should be possible to put a live tree on
> DVD, a network drive, or a USB disk. Do you have to burn a DVD in
> order to test the setup?
> There have been postings on configuring emacs to use the "pdfopen" and
> "pdfclose" utilities to ensure that acroread doesn't keep a .pdf file
> open while your are trying to write over it. This didn't work
> reliably for me a year ago -- emacs would randomly hang when launching
> acroread. Maybe things are better now (which version are you using?)
> Dviout is normally independent of the TeX distribution, so the
> configuration isn't tied to the changes you make for TL.
> --
> George N. White III <aa056 at chebucto.ns.ca>
> Head of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia
Dmitrij Ledkov
Email: Dmitrij.Ledkov at Gmail.com
University: D.Ledkovs at hull.ac.uk
Land line: +44 (0) 8708558871
Cell phone: +44 (0) 7842589801
Skype ID:dmitrij0309
MSN / AIM / Jabber : dmitrij.ledkov at gmail.com
Correspondence addresses in Latvia and UK are available upon request
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