[tex-live] Running Live - no access to C drive
poti giannakouros
potiatpotisdotorg at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 4 05:06:23 CET 2007
Hello Dmitrij,
I don't exactly have an answer for you, but
I am currently trying to do what Karl described.
My current status is that I cannot view DVI files,
and I cannot use packages. Very simple documents
however, do work.
In case it helps you, and in case you or someone else
can help me, here is what I have done so far:
tlmpgui installs material in C:\TexLive2007 and C:\texmf-var. TexLive2007
contains the dvi viewer, ghostscript, and a temp directory, if I recall correctly
(I am not at a PC). In my case, I also needed to change the default paper size
so I clanged the files indicted at the end of this post and ran
c:\localtexmf\dvipdfm\config>fmtutil.exe --all
which made about what had been about 10 megabytes
in texmf-var become 53 megabytes.
I then moved texmf-var to the directory that would become the root of my DVD.
I use TexLive through emacs, so I set my environment variables in site-lisp/site-start.el
as follows (I am just starting to learn emacs lisp, so corrections are welcome):
(setenv "PATH" (concat (getenv "PATH")
";D:\\bin\\win32\\gs\\gs8.54\\bin;D:\\bin\\win32\\dviout;D:\\bin\\win32" ))
(setenv "GS_LIB" (concat () "D:\\bin\\win32\\gs\\gs8.54\\lib" ))
(setenv "TLroot" (concat () "D:\\" ))
(setenv "TEXMFVAR" (concat () "D:\\texmf-var" ))
(setenv "TEXMFTEMP" (concat () "C:\\WINDOWS\\Temp" ))
(setenv "TEXMFCNF" (concat () "D:\\texmf-var\\web2c" ))
(setenv "PERL5LIB" (concat () "D:\\perlt\\lib;D:\\perltl\\site\\llib" ))
;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(exec-path (quote ( "." "D:/Emacs/bin" "D:/bin/win32/gs/gs8.54/bin" "C:/Program Files/Adobe/Acrobat 7.0/Reader/" "D:/GnuWin32/bin" "D:/bin/win32" "D:/bin/win32/dviout"))))
I edited out some things for readability but think I have all the TeXLive related things.
As it stands, if I try to typeset
I get errors regarding latex.fmt not found. Output is produced if I remove the \usepackage lines
in the header. Possibly related is the fact that I cannot used dviout. It looks for fonts on the C drive and the F drive, which was the MO disk on which I prepared the contents of my DVD. Windvi seems
to work and produces a page that is narrower and taller than my text, making me think that my
conversion to letter default worked and windvi might work when I fix the arguments with which emacs is calling it. Also, I cannot get acrobat to launch as a pdf viewer from emacs.
I hope this helps, and I will post more if I learn more before others can pitch in.
Karl Berry <karl at freefriends.org> wrote: instead I can use my own
private G drive which has limited space for me to use.
What it needs space for should be only the .fmt files, which should add
up to a few megabytes (depending on how many you need). If you have
that much available, it should be possible to work it out. If not, the
only alternative would be to prepare your own CD or DVD with the .fmt
files on it, so that TeX can run entirely from that. Although there's
been some discussion of this, I'm not aware of any actual distributions
that have been created.
In general, I'm not sure how the Windows installation deals with running
"live" like this.
Sorry I can't be more help,
The fish are biting.
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