[tex-live] Trouble with Texlive2007 + scrlttr2 + asymTypB.lco
Bert Trüger
xulxer at gmail.com
Thu Mar 1 13:30:44 CET 2007
I have a problem with asymTypB.lco for scrlttr2 with Texlive2007. On Texlive
2005 I can't remember a serious problem, now scrlttr2 still works with
pdflatex and xelatex (I have added a minimal example), but with
asymTypB.lcopdflatex complains
"[PDFLaTeX] BriefvorlageLatex.tex =>
[PDFLaTeX] mit Status 1 beendet
control sequence. }
./BriefvorlageLatex.tex:20:Command \@typearea at end already defined.
./BriefvorlageLatex.tex:26:There's no line here to end. \opening{L.S.,}
./BriefvorlageLatex.tex:26:There's no line here to end. \opening{L.S.,}
[PDFLaTeX] 4 Fehler, 0 Warnungen, 0 badboxes" and xelatex will not compile.
The asymTypB.lco should be correct as I have copied and pasted the text from
"Replacing LATEX2ε standard classes with
KOMA-Script" to asymTypB.lco in the KomaScript-directory.
Has anybody an idea?
Thanks in advance
Minimal example:
% asymTypB,
\setkomavar{fromname}{Yuri Robbers}
\setkomavar{fromaddress}{Fruinlaan 15\\2313 EP Leiden\\The Netherlands}
\setkomavar{fromemail}{robbers at lemun.org}
The Prac\TeX\ Journal\\c/o the Editor{-}in{-}chief\\2701 Some
Street\\32768 Anytown}
\closing{With kind regards,\\}
[2005/04/09 v0.2a unsupported LCO-file]%
% Take care that the shift stays intact even after recalculating the pag
% layout (see Kohm & Morawski 2005, section C.7)
\l at addto@macro{\@typearea at end}{%
\g at addto@macro{\@typearea at end}{%
% continue as per description
% Kohm & Morawski 2005, C.7. Modifikationen (Modifications)
\ifdim \textwidth<0.666\paperwidth
% continue as per description
\l at addto@macro\@firstheadfootfield{\setkomavar{date}{}}
\if at twoside\ifodd\number\value{page}
\if at tempswa
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