[tex-live] Re: TL image status (Karl Berry)
Daniel Flipo
Daniel.Flipo at univ-lille1.fr
Fri Nov 26 12:53:31 CET 2004
Karl Berry writes:
> The only outstanding issue I'm aware of is link breakage in the German
> documentation, which I'm working on. So this isn't the absolutely final
> one, but it's definitely time to check anything else you have a mind to ...
Yet another interesting bug (presumably in pdftex-1.20a):
When a word is hyphenated automatically, the resulting
hyphen is correctly protruded into the right margin,
but a hyphen part of a compung word in French is not protruded
at all. Looks _really_ bad when both kinds of hyphens
occure on two consecutive lines...
Here is a test file showing the problem:
Con{\TeX}t. En revanche, un niveau de complication supplémentaire
apparaîtra forcément dès que l'on voudra autoriser qu'un format
comme \LaTeX\ soit généré au-dessus de pdfe\TeX{} ou au-dessus
de Oméga, prenne en compte des options telles que
enc\TeX{} ou non.
The bug _does not_ occur with TL2003 (pdftex 1.11a)...
I was told it is corrected in pdfTeX-1.20b, anybody can
Daniel Flipo.
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