[tex-live] Re: microstyle.sty and \textbf
w.m.l at gmx.net
w.m.l at gmx.net
Tue Nov 16 20:17:38 CET 2004
Michael Hoppe wrote:
> Dear microstylers,
> try this one:
> %--------------------- snip! --------------------------
> %&pdflatex
> \documentclass{article}
> \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{ppl}
> \usepackage[DVIoutput,expansion=false]{microtype}
> \begin{document}
> \begin{tabular}{c}
> \textbf{Greetings from MT\@protdo!}
or simply:
> \end{tabular}
> \end{document}
> %--------------------- snap! ---------------------------
The problem is that the bold font is set up inside the tabular
environment, where `&' has a different meaning. When microtype tries to
set the protrusion factors for the ampersand, it stumbles. The solution,
for now, is to load the bold font manually earlier; to be on the safe
side, you can even do that in the preamble (after microtype):
> %--------------------- snip! --------------------------
> %--------------------- snap! ---------------------------
Then, the bold font doesn't need to be set up inside the tabular
I'll upload a bug fix version soon (poor Jim, who's just announced the
latest version today).
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