[tex-live] Viewing doc through texdocpk
Thomas Esser
te at dbs.uni-hannover.de
Thu Nov 4 06:25:14 CET 2004
> I have also noticed that amsclass.faq, present on TL2003 is
> no longer on TL2004, so textdoctk returns an error for that file.
Barbara Beeton wrote me about that:
this is covered in the file 00readme.txt:
---amsclass.faq - 2004/08/06
Removed from distribution; replaced by on-line FAQ at
the rationale was that an on-line faq can be kept current more
easily than a text version included in a package that isn't updated
particularly frequently. amsmath.faq has also been transformed into
an on-line version and removed from the ams distribution, although
i still find a file by that name on ctan at
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