[tex-live] Viewing doc through texdocpk
Daniel Flipo
Daniel.Flipo at univ-lille1.fr
Tue Nov 2 12:15:45 CET 2004
Hi all,
I have played a little with texdocpk on TL2004.
Some documentation files are not found.
The main cause for that is that most .dvi files have been
replaced by .ps or .pdf ones following the guidelines given
to package maintainers, and, in some cases only, texdodpk
is not aware of these changes, examples:
-- amsldoc.dvi (not found, replaced by amsldoc.pdf)
-- amsthdoc.dvi (not found, replaced by amsthdoc.pdf)
-- grfguide.dvi (not found, replaced by grfguide.ps)
In some cases, neither the .dvi nor the .pdf doc-file exists,
examples :
-- no fancyvrb.dvi, no fancyvrb.pdf
-- no colortbl.dvi, no colortbl.pdf
I have also noticed that amsclass.faq, present on TL2003 is
no longer on TL2004, so textdoctk returns an error for that file.
I have not checked every package, just tried some at random.
Is there a systematic way of finding all packages for which
textdoctk will fail?
Daniel Flipo Daniel.Flipo at univ-lille1.fr
UFR de Mathématiques -- Bâtiment M2 Tél : (33/0) 3 20 43 67 75
Université des Sciences et Technologies Fax : (33/0) 3 20 43 67 74
F-59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex France
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