[tex-live] outdated eqnarray.sty on TeXLive 8

Plastria F. Frank.Plastria at vub.ac.be
Tue Feb 17 10:23:12 CET 2004

It seems that the TeXLive 8 distribution
still contains version  1.2 of eqnarray.sty (1995)
instead of the more recent  1.2a (1997) as found on CTAN.
The only difference is that this obliges the user to load package array also.

* Prof. Frank PLASTRIA
* BEIF - Vakgroep Beleidsinformatica -
*              (Department of Management Informatics)
* Vrije Universiteit Brussel
* Pleinlaan, 2 ,  B-1050 Brussel , Belgium
* Phone : +32 2 6293609 (Office), +32 2 6293607 (Secretary)
* Fax : +32 2 6293690
* E-mail :Frank.Plastria at vub.ac.be
* URL: http://homepages.vub.ac.be/~faplastr

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