[tex-live] elambda please

Norbert Preining preining at logic.at
Fri Sep 12 08:54:37 CEST 2003

On Fre, 12 Sep 2003, Staszek Wawrykiewicz wrote:
> I think that Norbert has good arguments for including elambda, so 
> just small corrections to his .diff files:

The others are OK? Especially the change in omega.tpm with
	<TPM:Execute function="BuildFormat" parameter="elambda"/>
is completely pure c&p.

> <elambda		eomega		language.dat	*lambda.ini
> >elambda		eomega		language.dat	*elambda.ini


> if you just borrow lambda.ini, your change to texmf.cnf could be
> inappropriate
> TEXINPUTS.elambda = .;$TEXMF/{eomega,omega,tex}/{lambda,latex,generic,}//
> since making elambda will find nothing in $TEXMF/eomega/

Why? That line would expand to:
	... $TEXMF/eomega/// ...
since there is a
at the end. Am I wrong here? In fact it was just a copy/merge of lambda
and eomega lines.

> Can you make all those changes? Including soft links in bin/<arch>
> tpm and lists/ files.

Ahh, I forgot the lists/omega, here we have now the elambda.ini file
added. And the 
	!BuildFormat elambda

BTW: WHY is there no
	BuildFormat line for eomega
in lists/omega and tpm/packages/omega.tpm?

Best wishes


Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>         Technische Universität Wien
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