[tex-live] Re: texlive and babel/french/frenchle (Norbert Preining)
Daniel Flipo
Daniel.Flipo at univ-lille1.fr
Wed Jun 4 11:21:35 CEST 2003
Norbert Preining writes:
Is there something strange going on? Compiling a simple file
Héllo World
(tried with/without fontenc/inputenc) produces strange results:
1) Many users get confused by the "french" option of babel,
which is ambiguous: it loads
-- frenchle.ldf (freeware from Bernard gaulle) or
frenchpro.ldf (shareware from Bernard gaulle) if present
on the system (in the path),
-- or frenchb.ldf otherwise.
The "official" .ldf file for French (integrated in babel)
is frenchb.ldf *not* 'frenchle', *nor* 'frenchpro'.
To be sure to get 'frenchb' loaded, you should code
2) If you use diacritics ('é' in the above file)
you should uncomment \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
and add \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} or
\usepackage{aeguill} or ... if you want correct
hyphenation for words with diacritics.
The above file compiled with \usepackage[frenchb]{babel}
would produce no error, but would *not* print
the 'é' (this is normal!).
Daniel Flipo Daniel.Flipo at univ-lille1.fr
UFR de Mathématiques -- Bâtiment M2 Tél : (33/0) 3 20 43 67 75
Université des Sciences et Technologies Fax : (33/0) 3 20 43 67 74
F-59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex France
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